Evolving Your Level of Precision in Posterior Composite Work
E3 Endo is all about supplying evolutionary products, appliances and equipment to enhance the quality of dental treatment provided to patients. E3 Endo would like to put their favourite brand of matrices in the spotlight this month - Bioclear Evolve Matrix are the latest matrices in forming an optimal tooth contour for your interproximal composite resins.

These matrices were designed with a rigid Mylar including a placement tab making it easy to place this matrix in the precise position and the curing process more meticulous with its translucent material. Coming in different colours with their corresponding emergences and different height sizes, the accuracy is ideal for any tooth being restored. Once you see the difference in how your restorations create precise shape and extra polished finish, going back to your metal matrices will be a hard due to lower contouring standard and matte finish.
Please see the video below for a demonstration by the inventor of Bioclear Dr David Clark. There is a huge amount of content available on the Bioclear Youtube Channel.
- E3Endo Staff